Sunday, February 5, 2012

FBR REPORT: Ceasefires, Continued Attacks and a Friendly Encounter Between Enemies

ကရင္ျပည္နယ္ေျမာက္ပုိင္းမွာ တုိက္ပြဲေတြ ဆက္ျဖစ္ေနသလုိ စစ္ေျမျပင္တြင္းမွာ ႏွစ္ဖက္လက္နက္ကုိင္တပ္ဖြဲ ့မ်ား လက္ဆြဲ ႏွဳတ္ဆက္ႏုိင္ခဲ့တာေတြလည္းရွိပါသည္။

၂၀၁၂ ဇန္န၀ါရီလ ၂၈ ရက္ နံနက္ ၁၁:၄၅ မိနစ္အခ်ိန္ ေစာမူပေလာႏွင့္ ေဘာဂလိႀကီး လမ္းမေပၚတြင္ ေစာမူပေလာႏွင့္လယ္မူပေလာ ေဒသႀကား၌ ကရင့္အမ်ိဴးသားလြတ္ေျမာက္ေရး တပ္မေတာ္ႏွင့္ ဗမာ့တပ္မေတာ္တုိ ့ေတြ ့ဆုံျဖစ္ႀကပါသည္။ ဗမာ့တပ္မေတာ္က ပထမဦးဆုံး စျပီး ေအာ္ေျပာပါသည္။ "ငါတုိ ့ကုိမပစ္နဲ ့ ငါတုိ ့လည္းနင္တုိ ့ကုိ မပစ္ဘူး" တဖန္ ကရင္စစ္တပ္က ျပန္လည္တုံ ့ျပန္လုိက္ပါသည္။ "မင္းတုိ ့ကုိ ငါတို ့မပစ္ပါဘူး" ျပီးေနာက္ ကရင္တပ္သားေတြက လမ္းေပၚထြက္လာျပီး ဗမာစစ္တပ္နဲ ့ ခဏေလး စကားေျပာျဖစ္ႀကပါသည္။

ဗမာစစ္တပ္ဘက္မွ " မင္းတုိ ့ရြာမ်ားနဲ ့ေတာင္ယာေတြဆီကုိ ယခုျပန္ႏုိင္ျပီ" လုိ ့ေျပာလုိက္ပါတယ္။
ထုိအခါ ကရင္စစ္တပ္က "မင္းတုိ ့စစ္စခန္းေတြရွိေနေသးသ၍ ႏွင့္ ဒီေဒသတ၀ုိက္မွာ မင္းတုိ ့ ရွိေနေသးသ၍ ငါတုိ ့အိမ္မျပန္ႏုိင္ဘူး" လုိ ့ျပန္ေျဖေပးလုိက္ပါသည္။ ဒီလုိနဲ ့ ႏွစ္ဖက္ေသာ ဗမာစစ္သားနဲ ့ကရင္စစ္သားေတြက ရယ္ေမာႀကျပီး တစ္ဦးကုိတစ္ဦး လက္ဆြဲ ့ႏွဳတ္ဆက္ခဲ့ပါသည္။ ဗမာစစ္တပ္ကလည္း လမ္းမအတုိင္း သူ ့ခရီးကုိ သူဆက္နင္ခဲ့ပါသည္။ ထုိ ့ေန ့က - ၂၈-၀၁-၂၀၁၂

ကရင္စစ္တပ္ႏွင့္ ဗမာ့တပ္မေတာ္မွ ကရင္ျပည္နယ္ေျမာက္ပုိင္း လမ္းမတစ္ေနရာတြင္ ၂၈-၀၁-၂၀၁၂ ေန ့တြင္ လက္္ဆြဲ ႏွဳတ္ဆက္ေနပုံ
ဓါတ္ပုံ - FBR

အျပည့္အစုံကုိ ဒီအစီရင္ခံစာတြင္ ဖတ္ႀကည့္ပါ။

FBR REPORT-03-02-2012

Type the rest of your post here.


  1. ေကာ္သူးေလတပ္က စစ္သားပုံက မင္းသားနဲ ့တူျပီး သိန္းစိန္တပ္ကေကာင္ ပုံက ေခြးသူခုိးနဲ ့ေတာ္ေတာ္တူတယ္. ဟီးဟီး

  2. All I can say it Burma need General Aung San and Kaw Ko Ba U Gyi.Otherwise the countries is full of tayute and kalar. The really Burmese people who were born in Burma most of them become Slave and Prostitute and the resource were used and destroyed. Wake up the countries have billion of debt but they people like tay za get richer not because they smart just becasue they love to suck general's use the Burma natural resources for their families. Burma is fucking broke just because people who were born in Burma can not work togather and external people see this opportunities take advantage of it. Get smart of get fucked.

  3. we want to belived that was really happened in both of their heart.we (civilian) are full enought of such a poor thing because of a bad goverment and wrong policital system. come on U thein sein,rebuild your country if you belived that you are a good ,honest and right person to your country.

  4. They (Burma Army) have to back down thier army instead of entering or advancing to karen territory, i am confused with the leadership and how they intend to achieve cease fire with the Burma military present in the region.

  5. The Cease fire is for 6&7 BDG only.
    Because it is on the Thai-Burma border.
    Cease fire is for economic only.
    Not for the people. and not for other BDG.
